
41% of TARGET


41% of TARGET 😢

When Cows are born, it is a legal requirement to register them with DEFRA before they are 27 days old. Failure to do this means that DEFRA will not issue a passport for the animals. This means that the animal cannot legally be moved from one holding to another. The only permitted move would be to a slaughterhouse.

And so it was that Bonnie had been born and her keeper had applied for a passport after the deadline & it was refused.  The farmer was getting out of the business and had contacted Fiona to ask if we could take his remaining Highlands which included Bonnie's last baby (whom we had originally called 'Baby') Bonnie herself would not be able to come to the Sanctuary as she had no passport.  The farmer made an appeal to DEFRA to enquire whether they might allow Bonnie to move to a Sanctuary - a forever home - on the basis that she would not be moved, nor enter the human food chain.

After some negotiation with the powers that be, DEFRA agreed and gave permission for Bonnie to move with the others - as you can imagine there was a huge sigh of relief all round. She arrived in a trailer with her Baby and they were soon integrated with the main Highland herd. I should just add that her Baby was in fact bigger than her, as by now he was some 3 years old!

1st batchnic wood